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Welcome to the all new TECHunplugged website

As of today we have a completely revised and modern looking website. Almost all of the hard work on the layout and putting it all together is done by my business partner Max, and I really think he deserves a lot of praise for this. Thank you Max, it really looks beautiful and will bring closer to the next stage in our business development.

What will be our next steps:

  1. We have some paid writing going on at the moment that will keep us busy for the next week and a half or so.
  2. We’ll start writing on 2 new Industry research papers (if you’re a vendor and want to be in it, make sure to ping us)
  3. We’ll make sure to fill this blog up and we probably have help with that, but more on that in a later post
  4. We will have a couple of awesome podcasts in the near future (one coming up later this week)
  5. Max will be at the Pure Storage Accelerate event in Austin (Texas) next month. So make sure to see him, if you’re there too. And vendors, if you want to do a podcast, make sure to contact us.
  6. More on other events and podcasts in coming posts, but we’re always open for suggestions.

We at TECHunplugged live and breath IT and we’re always willing and capable to deep dive in to the products that make IT technology such an amazing industry to be part of.

Thank you for visiting this new and improved TECHunplugged website, please let us know if you miss something or want to get in contact for content creation, translation or just to say hi!


Max and Arjan