Talking about companies that always gives an amazing presentation, Veeam is high on that list. With people like Rick Vanover, Melissa Palmer, Kirsten Stoner and David Hill presenting at day 2 of the GestaltIT Tech Field Day 22 event this will be one of those presentations you don’t want to miss. With the agenda already online you know this will be a presentation that provides a lot of insight into what Veeam will be able to provide to its customers in the upcoming version 11. Let Dive a bit deeper on what will be presented at TFD22.
Veeam Overview for TFD22
Not that much to talk about I guess, more of an introduction on what the presentations will be about. Hold your breathe, good stuff will be be coming.
Veeam Availability Suite v11: Object Storage Enhancements

Loads of companies are using, or looking into the usage of, Objects storage. When looked on this from a backup perspective, this is one of the cheapest options to backup and archive your data in the most economic and efficient way. Veeam provides its customers to utilize on- and off-premises objects storage solutions (using S3, and Azure Blob storage) to protect their resources. With the ability to use object storage as a target, most customers have the opportunity to create a backup repository and archive that fits their needs best. It will be interesting to hear what the enhancements will be in v11.
TFD22 Exclusive Veeam Availability Suite v11: Veeam ONE Now to Next
Told ya! As always Veeam makes sure there is never a doll moment in their presentation, and with an exclusive into what Veeam will be offering with their Veeam One (part of the Veeam Availability Suite) will be offering in the next version. With Veeam One your able to Management, Analyse and Remediate your environment by providing Proactive alerting, Intelligent automation and diagnostic, chargeback and billing, monitoring and reporting, capacity planning and forecasting and governance and compliance. I’m looking forward to hearing (and seeing) what is next.
Veeam Availability Suite v11: Secure Linux Repository

Where a couple of years ago the illusion was still huge that Windows would rule the world, the Penguin quietly started overthrowing the MSFT domination. These days even Microsoft has acknowledged that Linux is here to stay and might even take over the world :D. And I hear you say, but Veeam is a Microsoft house and now we need to backup and recover Linux stuff as well… Yes, and to fair Veeam has got you covered for some time now on that part. Let’s hear from Veeam what their new version has to offer on Linux protection.
Veeam Availability Orchestrator: Now to Next

We live in a 24/7 world, and if something fails we want to keep on running. With Disaster Recovery options Veeam provides their customers the ability to Recover their critical resources in case of a disaster. It will be interesting to see what the new Availability Orchestrator will have to offer. I’ve worked with multiple clients on DR and one of the biggest pain points is that whoever you ask within a given company on RTO and RPO requirements lots of times you’ll get a different answer. When an orchestrator is able to help you in the process, and even adjust if needed that is huge help. I’m for one am very interested to hear what the Next will be for this service.
Veeam Acquires Kasten: Capabilities, Integration and More

The world of IT is changing rapidly, always has and always will. Although containers have been a thing for decades, the true revolution started when docker came to market. With more and more companies looking into refactoring, rearchitecting, replatforming and replacing their applications into containerized environments the battle for platform was between Docker and Kubernetes. Long story short, Kubernetes won 🤣. But how do we protect these new environments? Welcome to KastenIO, a native Kubernetes protection solution bought by Veeam a couple of months ago. Although I’m not that far into the container world (should dive in as quickly as possible though 😊) I’m really interested in hearing what Veeam will offer with this solution and what the roadmap of integration will be.
All in all this will be one of those presentation you don’t want to miss. So make sure to join us this afternoon/morning/evening (depending on where you live 😉) via this link and if you have any questions during the live!! presentation, go to twitter and ask your question(s) using the hashtag #tfd22.