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Max Mortillaro

Cohesity introduces Helios secondary data and application management platform

Cohesity, probably the hottest secondary storage company, recently announced the availability of Helios, a SaaS-based management platform that is enhanced with machine learning capabilities. Helios brings global scale management capabilities to Cohesity’s secondary data platform by adding central, multi-cluster management for both on premises and cloud-based Cohesity deployments. Cohesity’s intent is to alleviate their customers from the… Read More »Cohesity introduces Helios secondary data and application management platform

The TECHunplugged crew will be at Storage Field Day 17

The TECHunplugged crew (Arjan Timmerman and Max Mortillaro) is very happy to announce that it has been invited by Gestalt IT to join the Storage Field Day 17 event as delegates. The event will take place on September 20-21, 2018 in the Silicon Valley; vendors Intel, Komprise, Starwind and NGD Systems will be presenting to an… Read More »The TECHunplugged crew will be at Storage Field Day 17

ARM processors have a new friend and his name is VMware ESXi

One of the most striking announcements at VMworld 2018 was the introduction of ARM architecture support for VMware’s emblematic hypervisor ESXi. It’s been a while now that ARM-powered servers and devices made their way in the enterprise IT market, so what is the goal of running ESXi on ARM, and is this targeting data center use… Read More »ARM processors have a new friend and his name is VMware ESXi

VMware announces Project Concord, an open source permissioned blockchain

VMware broke the news at VMworld 2018 in Las Vegas, announcing a blockchain-based “Trust Infrastructure” open source project named Concord (full story on VMware Blogs). Concord would be used by enterprises and organizations in a permissioned environment, where access to the blockchain is controlled and restricted (in opposition to public blockchains accessible by virtually anyone,… Read More »VMware announces Project Concord, an open source permissioned blockchain